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Step 5: Review and Modify Existing Agreements and Plans
Review and modify existing memoranda of understanding, agreements, and plans.
Review current plans and agreements for alignment and opportunities within the identified priorities. This may include professional development plans, family engagement plans, memoranda of understanding, transition plans, and other agreements with external resources.
Continuity of Learning
Professional Development Plans
Review current professional development plans and/or vertical meeting agendas for preschool and early elementary.
- What professional development would lead to common understanding and vertical alignment of curriculum, implementation practices, and routines?
- What collaboration opportunities with other programs that feed into your elementary school might have a positive impact on student and family outcomes given current trends and patterns?
Family Engagement Plans
Review current family engagement plans. Family engagement can serve to support family knowledge of school readiness, enrolling in elementary school or in quality preschool programs, connecting family with services in the community, or other needs reflected in your ELNA.
- Following the analysis of children’s early learning experiences, what changes to the family engagement plan are needed to ensure equitable outreach and engagement with all families prior to school entry and continuing through elementary?
Community Collaboration
Memoranda of Understanding and Transition Plans
Review current memoranda of understanding (MOU) and transitions plans with Early Childhood Councils, Head Start, or preschool programs in your community.
- In reviewing the strength of partnership with each preschool entity, how is this strength of partnership reflected in current MOU and transition plans?
- How might revisions to these agreements be a lever for stronger partnerships in key areas that are impacting your early learning community?
Partnerships with External Resources
Review current partnerships with external resources against community needs. External resources may include libraries, mental health agencies, out of school opportunity providers, tutors, etc.
- In reviewing community needs, what external resources are a match for family needs in your community?
- How often are families accessing each resource? What resources are still needed?
- How does this align with existing partnership agreements and what updates may be needed to reduce barriers to access?
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