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Step 1: Review, Gather and Organize
Review the guide and gather data needed to complete the early learning needs assessment.
- Preview the protocol, data sources guide, and the ELNA data analysis template, if using.
- Adapt the protocol or ELNA data analysis template as needed. The purpose of this tool is to provide support for one possible way to organize and analyze data sources listed in Step 1 that meet and exceed the minimum expectations of an ELNA. The tool provides a template for reviewing current performance in relationship to early learning and populates pre-set tables to inform school level data-driven discussions and continuous improvement. This tool supports analysis that can inform creating additional community partnerships within early childhood, and ongoing family engagement and professional development plans.
- Gather available data sources aiming to include data sources measuring quality, community collaboration, transitions, and continuity of learning.
- Organize data using a method to support analyzing current trends and understanding the landscape of birth to five programming in your community.
- The ELNA data analysis template has been developed to support the organization of data sources. To use, follow the directions on the “directions tab” of the template to input data gathered, specifically preschool setting and child level. This template can be modified to support additional data sources that are meaningful to the team.
Please note, your team may not have access to each data source as you complete this protocol for the first time. Following this protocol will help to mitigate this; however, if this occurs, note the data source(s) missing and include a discussion in step 6 on how to capture for the next year.
Memoranda of understanding or agreements*
Family engagement plans or other documentation of community partnerships*
Identify preschool programs* in your community that children attend prior to entering kindergarten. This may be captured during kindergarten enrollment or by using the Colorado Information Marketplace or Colorado Shines. These may include:
- Community preschool programs
- District run preschool programs
- Head Start programs
- In-home childcare programs
- General categories for both family, friend, and neighbor informal care networks, and unknown
Identify the strength of your partnership* with each entity. For schools with the Colorado Preschool Program, the continuum of partnerships may inform this process. However, the intent is to ensure partnerships both horizontal (across preschool settings) and vertical (across preschool settings and elementary). Strength of partnerships may be defined as:
- Not yet: no regular engagement.
- Emerging: limited regular engagement throughout the year (1-2 means of engagement).
- High-quality: multiple means of engagement (3+), multiple times throughout a year, bidirectional, possibly represented on the team completing the ELNA.
Using the data sources guide as a resource, identify funding streams* and levels of quality* for each preschool setting.
Obtain the following child level reports:
- Demographic and prior preschool information, including previous preschool funding sources, age at kindergarten entry, and preschool program participation and duration. Additionally, attendance and/or hours of participation may be helpful to record.
- Kindergarten class placement lists and teacher credential* information.
- Beginning of year Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) reports
- Available READ interim assessment reports
- Reports on kindergartners with significant reading deficiency (SRD).
Keep this data high-level (domain level and composite scores) to support identifying overall trends.
For a deeper lens into child level data, other local measures could be included, i.e., screening data, including social-emotional and mental-health screeners, mathematics assessments, etc.
*Denotes required data sources
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