- Comparison of Jan 2019 Supplemental Request to Revised February 15, 2019 SB19-128
- Comparison of FY 2018-19 HB18-1379 to FY 2018-19 January 2019 Supplemental Request Pending Approval
- Comparison of FY 2017-18 Supplemental to FY 2018-19 School Finance Act as Approved April 2018
- Comparison of FY 2017-18 with Supplemental to FY 2018-19 Long Bill Recommendation March 2018
- Please note, this is a reflection of the long bill recommendation by the JBC and does not reflect the recommendations for the School Finance Act bill which have not yet been published. Once JBC publishes those recommendations another comparison spreadsheet will be posted to reflect that information.
- Comparison of FY 2017-18 With Supplemental to FY 2018-19 Governor's Revised Budget Request
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Public School Finance Act of 1994 - FY2018-19
FY 2018-19
Funding Calculation
FY 2018-2019 District Funding Calculation Worksheet
- As approved by the Financial Policies and Procedures Advisory Committee, a section has been added to the calculation worksheet (beginning on row 300) with the rescission and Total Program after application of the rescission. Having the rescission included in the funding calculation will assist districts with budgeting and will eliminate the need to take the full amount from districts in January as it will now be part of the monthly adjusted payments.
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