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ESSER Grantee/Subgrantee Reporting
General Information
The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) requires states to annually submit a comprehensive report pertaining to the ESSER I, II, and III uses of funds by the State and all grant recipients (grantees), including Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), schools, or other entities. CDE uses the information submitted by grantees in the ESSER applications to meet the vast majority of this data collection with the exception of a few data elements not available through the applications, which are collected through the data collections listed below.
Reporting for LEAs without Liquidation Extensions
The next annual report will include ESSER funds used between July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 (2023-2024) and between July 1, 2024-September 30, 2024 (2024-2025). To streamline the data collection process, CDE is disseminating surveys/templates for both years simultaneously. Although the 2024-2025 collection will remain open until July 28, 2025 to accommodate any approved late liquidation requests (see below), grantees are encouraged to submit as soon as activities are completed and data are available.
Reporting for LEAs with Approved Liquidation Extensions
If liquidations extensions are granted to any grantees by the U.S. Department of Education a revised submission will become necessary. Any fully and appropriately obligated activities that are implemented after September 30, 2024 and within the extended liquidation period, must be reported until all funds have been liquidated (reimbursements for all remaining funds have been requested from CDE).
Student Reengagement Survey
All local educational agencies (LEAs) that received ESSER I, II, or III funds must report on whether the LEA sought to reengage students with poor attendance or participation (regardless of whether ESSER funds were used for this purpose). For this reporting requirement, the term “LEA” is used to represent districts only. Data must be reported for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 fiscal years separately - only one survey per year should be submitted.
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Due December 20, 2024
- Fiscal Year 2024-2025 – Due July 28, 2025
School Level Allocations Survey
All local educational agencies (LEAs) allocating at least a portion of ESSER funds to schools in the reporting period must report on the criteria used to allocate funds to schools within the LEA. For this reporting requirement, the term “LEA” is used to represent districts only. Data must be reported for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 fiscal years separately - only one survey per year should be submitted.
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Due December 20, 2024
- List of LEAs required to complete survey for FY 2023-2024 – According to the LEA’s application submitted to CDE, these LEAs have budgeted funds at the school level (any public school, including charter schools) during the reporting period.
- Fiscal Year 2024-2025 – Due July 28, 2025
- List of LEAs required to complete survey for FY 2024-2025 – According to the LEA’s application submitted to CDE, these LEAs have budgeted funds at the school level (any public school, including charter schools) during the reporting period.
LEA Participation in ESSER Activities
All local educational agencies (LEAs) that received ESSER I, II, or III funds must report on how ESSER funds were used to support learning recovery or acceleration for student groups who were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Colorado, grantees of ESSER I, II, and III funds include districts, BOCES, Administrative Units, facility schools, and tribal nations. For this reporting requirement, the term “LEA” is used to represent all grantees.
Three data collection templates are available to LEAs (see below). LEAs should only complete one template, which includes both Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and Fiscal Year 2024-2025. If data are available for both years, LEAs are encouraged to submit a single template containing data for both years by December 20, 2024. If data for 2024-2025 are not yet available, LEAs may initially submit a template containing 2023-2024 only, but revise and resubmit the template to include 2024-2025 at a later date (due July 28, 2025). Completed data collection templates should be uploaded to the LEA’s ESSER Reporting folder in Syncplicity.
- Stakeholders, including the Educational Data Advisory Council (EDAC), shared with CDE that for some LEAs reporting student level data would be more convenient, while for others it would be easier to report aggregated data. To best meet the needs of all LEAs and create options that meet varying needs, LEAs can choose to submit either LEA-level or student-level data. For guidance and an explanation of the differences between these templates, please refer to the Instructional Manual below.
- LEA-Level Survey (Annotated)
- This option allows for management of data at the LEA-level, aggregated by student group.
- LEA-Level Survey (Example)
- Student-Level Separate Survey (Annotated)
- This option allows for management of the data at the student level and the template has a separate tab for each type of program (e.g., afterschool, summer school). Students would be repeated across tabs if they participated in more than one program.
- Student-Level Survey (Example)
- Student-Level Combined Survey (Annotated)
- This option allows for management of data at the student level. The combined survey allows for reporting each student’s participation in a variety of programs (e.g., afterschool, summer school) in the same spreadsheet.
- LEA-Level Survey (Annotated)
Resources and Trainings
CDE has developed the following resources and trainings to support grantees in successfully meeting these reporting requirements.
- August 29, 2024 Office Hours Recording
- LEA Participation in ESSER Activities Resources
- Training webinar
- Instructional Manual and FAQ
- Additional USDE Guidance
- Example Reporting Scenarios
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