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September 2024 CDE Update for Superintendents and BOCES Executive Directors
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email
Dear Superintendents and BOCES directors,
I hope this message finds you feeling refreshed after the long weekend! It is hard to believe that we are already nearly a full month into the school year. As you know, August was a big month for data releases for the Colorado Department of Education, and I am resharing some additional information connected to those releases below.
Reminder about student discipline data release and district profiles
Last week, we shared embargoed data through discipline and attendance data respondents from the discipline data submissions and the new Learning Environment profiles created pursuant to HB 22-1376.
We provided the district profile report and the discipline data to districts through your data respondents. Please note that it is embargoed until 10:00 AM September 9, 2024. Our public release will only include posting this information to our website. Please note that we moved this date to give you more time to review the data in your districts before it is public.
The seclusion and restraint data will not be released at this point in time, as we are seeing some inconsistencies in how that data was reported. We want to work with districts on the data that was submitted to better understand how districts interpreted the requirements.
You can learn more about the Learning Environment District Profile Report on our website, including Frequently Asked Questions. We have also scheduled virtual office hours to answer your questions:
- Thursday, Sept. 12 from 3 to 4 p.m.: Register for the Sept. 12 Profile Report webinar
- Friday, Sept. 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: Register for the Sept. 13 Profile Report webinar
Every School Day Counts! attendance campaign
As part of our attendance data release in August, we launched our Every School Day Matters attendance campaign which includes supporting districts with communications and engagement toolkits to help get the word out, strengthening our targeted support to districts who need it most, and providing training and attendance-focused grant opportunities. Our campaign website has tools and resources for you to use including:
- Attendance tracking calendars for families in English and Spanish
- Customizable templates for attendance reminder postcards and emails in English and Spanish
- Attendance posters in English and Spanish designed for use by schools and community organizations
You can also access a folder of attendance communications resources on Google Drive.
*New!* CDE Monthly Superintendent Meeting (on Zoom)
I am pleased to share that I will start hosting a monthly Zoom meeting for superintendents and/or their delegates to review the information shared in our CDE Update emails. I am looking forward to having this routine opportunity to connect with and hear from you. Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8am on Zoom.
Thank you for all that you do, and have a great week,
Dr. Susana Córdova
Colorado Commissioner of Education
District Operations
- Looking for digital accessibility resources? The Accessible Websites Toolkit from the Governor’s Office of Information Technology has tools designed to help government entities (including school districts) meet and maintain exceptional digital accessibility standards and provide quality information, readily accessible to all.
- The new Purple Star Schools Program designates Colorado public schools that provide exemplary services and supports to military-connected students and their families. You can find more information on our website, and applications will open in October.
- Senate Bill 23-287 requires CDE to contract with two independent entities to conduct a study on the components and costs necessary to adequately provide Colorado students a free and uniform public education. Share your voice by completing both Colorado Financial Adequacy Study surveys and consider participating in a panel discussion. Each study will gather different information.
- Participate in the input-based study on APA Consulting’s website.
- Participate in the output-based study on the American Institutes for Research’s website.
Educator Talent
- English Learner Professional Development is required for teacher license renewals for licenses expiring on or after Sept. 1, 2025. The requirement applies to all educators holding an elementary, English language arts, math, science, or social studies (or any middle-level) endorsement on a professional teacher license. Those with an ELPD designation on their credential already meet the requirement. Email with questions.
- Two rulemaking hearings for rules that govern educator licensure and preparation are scheduled for the State Board of Education’s Oct. 9-10 meeting. This brief presentation outlines the proposed updates and three ways to provide feedback.
Health & Nutrition
- House Bill 22-1052 requires schools to publicize the 988 Colorado Mental Health Line. For questions visit the FAQ page on the 988 Colorado website or email
- Every public school student ID card must contain the phone number, website, and text talk number for the 24-hour telephone crisis service center.
- If a school does not issue ID cards, the school must request and display outreach materials and send information to parents and guardians at the beginning of each school year.
- The Behavioral Health Administration must provide behavioral health crisis response system awareness and educational materials to each public and private school in the state. BHA will mail these materials in the fall.
Federal Programs
- Bookmark the ARP-ESSER III Countdown to Closeout webpage, which includes steps for LEAs to prepare for the closeout of ESSER, monthly reminders and links to helpful information. Contact your ESSER Lead for questions.
- Reminder on process for ARP ESSER III and ARP EANS late liquidation extension requests. The U.S. Department of Education developed a process for requesting a liquidation extension for ARP-ESSER III and ARP EANS, which has NOT changed the original obligation requirement of Sept. 30, 2024. We will collect requests from LEAs in the fall to ensure all are included in one template. If your LEA may need a liquidation extension, email Nazie Mohajeri-Nelson at
Postsecondary Readiness
- Save the date and sign up to receive information on our 2024-25 regional trainings on updates to Individual Career and Academic Plan rules and integrating Multi-Tiered Systems of Support into the plans.
- Durango: Tuesday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Glenwood Springs: Wednesday, Oct. 30, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Lamar: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Greeley: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Denver Metro: Tuesday, Jan. 14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Colorado Springs: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
School Quality & Support
- We are hosting a second Alternative and Flexible Instructional Models Learning Community meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19. The meeting will run from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and cover alternative instruction under new Public Schools Finance Act Rules (1 CCR 301-39). Register by Wednesday, Sept. 18.
- All districts must submit the Accreditation Form indicating the district and local school board’s accreditation ratings for their schools by Monday, Sept. 23. District Accountability Contacts can find the form on the Accreditation Portal within the UIP/ACI online system. Visit the School Accreditation webpage for more.
- All school and district UIPs are due on Tuesday, Oct. 15, unless eligible for biennial flexibility or January submission. School and district pre-populated reports are updated in the Unified Improvement Plan Online System under the “School/District Requirements & Information” tab. Download a document with links to new resources, upcoming webinars, webinar recordings, and office hours sign-up.
- We released preliminary performance frameworks to districts at the end of August through Syncplicity. A district embargo is in place until September 5. We will host a media briefing on September 10. Statewide preliminary framework data will then be publicly released. We have already publicly released 2024 Growth data for CMAS, PSAT/SAT, and WIDA ACCESS. For questions related to the performance frameworks, Colorado growth model, or related training support, email
- Want to learn more about Open Educational Resources? Register for the upcoming OERColorado and ISKME webinar series to attend sessions on “Vetting and Adopting Open Educational Resources” on Tuesday, Oct. 1 and “Open Educational Resources Leadership and Advocacy” on Tuesday, Oct. 8.
Teaching and Learning
- Register for the final Enhancing School Safety Regional Training in Sterling on Friday, Sept. 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Northeastern Junior College.
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