ASD Identification within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (Tri-State Webinars)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff, Community Partners | Topic: Autism, English Learners, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
Presented by: Bryn Harris, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver
Webinar Description:
Disparities in ASD identification, particularly by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic indicators, have been documented for decades. Despite the awareness, reduction of these disparities has been limited. This advanced-level webinar will provide national data pertaining to trends in clinical and educational ASD identification disparities. Participants will gain knowledge pertaining to the potential impact of culture and language on specific ASD identification assessments and promising practices that lead to earlier and more accurate ASD identification in traditionally underserved populations. This presentation is targeted to school-based professionals conducting ASD assessment for educational identification.
Learning Objectives:
- Awareness in national trends pertaining to ASD identification in culturally and linguistically diverse populations
- Investigation of several ASD specific assessment tools for their cultural and linguistic responsiveness
- Review of promising practices to encourage more culturally and linguistically responsive ASD identification
View the Webinar
Study Questions
Use the questions below to check for understanding after watching the webinar.
The Following populations are more likely to receive a delayed or mis-identification of ASD.
- White children
- Asian children
- Latino children
- Pacific Islander children
- The most critical component of ASD assessment for CLD populations is:
- Parent interview
- Child observations
- Teacher interview
- Standardized ASD specific measures
- Which of the following assessments has more research to support its use with CLD populations?
- CARS-2
- SRS-2
- ADOS_2
- Which ASD assessment will give you the most information about educational identification when using it with CLD populations?
- ADOS-2
- CARS-2
- None of the above
Presenter Information
Bryn Harris, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School Psychology doctoral program in theSchool of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver. She has a secondary appointment in the Department of Pediatrics (Developmental Pediatrics) at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus. Her primary research interests include the psychological assessment of bilingual learners, culturally and linguistically responsive assessment of autism spectrum disorder, health disparities among children with autism spectrum disorder. Director and founder of the bilingual school psychology program at the University of Colorado Denver. Bilingual (Spanish) licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist.
Contact Information
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