Addressing Math Difficulties & Disabilities
Audience: Educators | Topic: Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format
This 90 minute recorded webinar addresses the why and what of math difficulties and disabilities experienced by elementary and secondary students.
The webinar focuses on answering the following questions:
- Why do students struggle with math?
- How do dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia present in students who struggle with maths?
- How do we support students who struggle with math difficulties & disabilities in the classroom?
Our Presenters:
Dr. Mindy Adair:
Director of Mathematics and Technology Integration Specialist at Denver Academy.
Juliana Tapper:
Independent Math Intervention Specialist and Founder of CollaboratEd.
Veronica Fiedler:
Specific Learning Disability Specialist with the Exceptional Student Services unit at Colorado Department of Education.
View the Webinar
**Please note certificates were only available during the live airing of this webinar. Certificates are no longer available.**
Resource List
Addressing Math Difficulties & Disabilities - Resources (PDF)
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