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About Us

About Us - The Colorado State Library team

Who We Are

The Colorado State Library helps library staff confidently navigate change to best serve their community!


"Very useful and practical advice; I think that it will help improve me as a librarian and as a supervisor."


"I feel empowered to move forward with my new knowledge."


A light brick commercial building with the word

Purple circle icon with the text  



The Colorado State Library (CSL) helps libraries, schools, museums, and other organizations improve services, making it easier for all Coloradans to access and use the materials and information they need for lifelong learning.

Circle icon with the text  








Our Services

  • For people who can't read standard print, the Talking Book Library provides audio, Braille, and large print books keeping you connected to reading, stories, and adventure.
  • State Publications provides Colorado residents with free permanent public access to information produced by state government.
  • Institutional Library Development supports library services for state-operated residential institutions, including youth and adult correctional facilities, mental health institutes, a school for the deaf and the blind, and veterans homes.
  • Library Development provides leadership and support for public and school libraries, plus continuing education and consultation.

Our Staff

Seven of the Colorado State Library staff members   


CSL staff provide consulting and training in areas such as 21st Century learning, strategic planning, library law, children's services, and state institutional library services. We also manage statewide electronic services such as Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection and SWIFT Interlibrary loan.

The State Library strives for cooperation and collaboration among the state's libraries and other library organizations. Please share your ideas, comments, or questions about the state's library services with the staff.


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