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LAM Resources - Annual Transition
Local Access Managers (LAMs) are responsible for maintaining the users and their roles for the Colorado State Model Performance Management System (RANDA) in CDE’s Identity Management System (IdM).
In preparation for the 2020-21 school year, IdM will not connect to RANDA from June 15 to July 20. Users will be able to log into the system and access their account; however, changes in IdM will not be reflected in the system until the district "enables" the 2020-21 year.
LAMs will play an integral part in transitioning users from 2019-20 to 2020-21 in the COPMS. For information on managing accounts in IdM, please refer to the LAM Quick Guide (forthcoming). For information regarding what information is carried from 2019-20 to 2020-21, please review the Annual Transition FAQs.
Making Updates
District/BOCES/charter school LAMs are responsible to update CDE IdM to reflect the most up-to-date user account information, including disabling user accounts. This is for staff no longer employed at the end of the year so that staff will no longer have access to the system.
RANDA will create a new evaluation for all users in IdM as early as July 18. If a user is no longer employed by the LEA is not removed before the new year is enabled, a full profile will be created in COPMS for 2020-21. Consequently, employees no longer working in the LEA will populate in the system unless the account is disabled.
Additionally, incorrect rubrics may be assigned if a role change has occurred. To the extent possible, all role changes (e.g., teacher to principal) for continuously employed staff should also be updated so that the correct rubric is assigned to the user prior to initiating the new year. New employees may be added at any time after June 13 and can be added throughout the 2020-21 year. NOTE: although users may access their accounts during this time, the new role/building will not populate until the new year is enabled.
For LEAs with significant updates (i.e., more than 100 new employees), CDE will assist in a bulk upload process. Please contact for more information.
Beginning July 18, 2020, a district/BOCES/charter school will be able to begin the 2020-21 year by visiting the Administration tab, clicking on LEA Settings, and checking the Enable Identity Management box (see image below). This should be done after your LAM has also disabled all accounts of users that have left your BOCES. Only users with the Superintendent (SI) or Executive Director (AS) role may enable the new year. Standard user management will be applicable for 2020-21. Take care when updating roles as rubrics may be assigned when adding roles and cannot be removed if added in error. Users will not be able to access the 2020-21 academic year until the new year is enabled.
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