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Assurances for Educator Evaluation Systems
Educator Effectiveness (EE) Assurances
The assurances for educator evaluation systems are intended to ensure that school districts and BOCES across Colorado implement written evaluation systems that are aligned with Senate Bill 10-191 and the State Board Rules for the Evaluation of Licensed Personnel. CDE successfully collected assurances from all districts indicating how licensed personnel in their district or BOCES are evaluated. Current and historical use of educator effectiveness models for teachers, principals and SSPs is now available in an interactive display. Also available is a summary spreadsheet of the educator effectiveness assurances data by district and BOCES (XLS).
Annual Assurance Process
Each year, by July 1st, Colorado districts and BOCES are required to submit assurances that they are implementing the State Model Evaluation System or another evaluation system that adheres to the requirements in statute (C.R.S. 22-9-106) and Colorado State Board of Education rules (1 CCR 301-87) for teachers, principals, and special services providers (SSPs).
For the 2024-25 school year, assurances were the same as they have been since 2020-21. The assurances include:
- The educator evaluation model used to evaluate teachers, principals, and all nine categories of SSPs;
- For those educators evaluated using the state model evaluation system, the weights assigned to the four professional practices quality standards defined in rule;
- The implementation of the Advisory Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (also referred to as the 1338 Committee); and
- The date by which all educators will be trained on the system that will be used for their evaluation
2024-2025 Assurances
The 2024-25 assurances survey is now closed. The 2025-26 assurances survey will open in April 2025.
Please contact Research & Impact or your Educator Effectiveness Regional Specialist if you have any questions or need any assistance regarding assurances. For general questions, please email Educator Effectiveness.
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