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Field Trips - 6/28/24 - Teachers can get free PK-12 resources and learning materials through OERColorado
Field Trips - 6/28/24 - Teachers can get free PK-12 resources and learning materials through OERColorado

2024 Colorado OER Conference panelists on the “Implementing Open Science & STEM Resources in PK-12” panel. Pictured left from right: Douglas Watkins and Shannon Pullara from Denver Public Schools, Dani Wesolowski from Colorado State University - Extension
Recently, teachers from across Colorado attended two webinars to learn more about how to use Open Educational Resources – a free, digital repository of openly licensed educational content and materials available to any Colorado teacher.
OERColorado is a Colorado Empowered Learning initiative administered by the Colorado River Board of Cooperative Educational Services that provides digital collections of openly licensed resources for PK-12 educators. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S. § 22-5-119), the CR BOCES was designated to administer the statewide supplemental and blended learning program and ensure public access to a digital repository of content and resources for Colorado educators.
OERColorado builds on a growing movement to promote shared knowledge and reduce the cost barriers in education. The U.S. Department of Education in 2015 created a network for Open Education practitioners and now 20 states including Colorado offer free programming. All educators can access OERColorado’s hub site and microsite with Colorado-focused PK-12 curriculum materials to use in their classrooms.
CDE will offer two webinars in October that will explain how teachers can access materials on OERColorado. To register for the webinars, click here.
To join the OERColorado Hub, request membership in the Welcome to OERColorado group. Contact the PK-12 OER Team at for more information.
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