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Colorado ESSER Report: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund

CDE Field Trips - 8/7/24: Colorado math awardees meet Gov. Polis

Gov. Jared Polis looks at a math award medal worn by a student.

Parents take photos of students and teachers on the steps of the capitol rotunda.

CDE Field Trips - 8/6/24: Multilingual school and district leader training in BVSD

Photo of Dr. Carol Salva of Seidlitz Education at training in July 2024.

Field Trips: CDE Field Trips - 8/2/24: USDA official and CDE visit Summer Nutrition Meal site

Two children walk away from a food truck carrying food boxes.

A small child with pregnant mother reaches up to a food truck for a box of food.

CDE Field Trips - 8/1/24: Heath Columns Art Project

CDE Field Trips - 7/26/24: Math Intervention Design Workshop

CDE Field Trips - 7/25/24: SMYLI, Empowering Colorado's Migrant Youth Through Leadership and Education

Photo of students at SMYLI - 2024

SMYLI: Empowering Colorado's Migrant Youth Through Leadership and Education


CDE Field Trips -- 7/24/24: CDE staff members meet with student researchers

Members of CDE's information management and school improvement and planning teams met in July with student researchers from area high schools who are part of a Youth to Youth Empowerment lab at CU Anschutz Medical Campus to to provide an overview of what data CDE collects, why, and how to access publicly available data.

CDE Field Trips - 07/18/24 - Kids Backpack Program providing summer meals to 1,500 children in Mesa County

Photo of van of Backpack Food Program

CDE Field Trips - 7/17/24: Commissioner Chats Englewood Schools

CDE Field Trips - 7/17/24 CO-ALAS Advocates for Latino Administrators and Student Success

Every year for the last decade, 10 students from across Colorado have reeived college scholarships from the Colorado Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents – a professional education association dedicated to the continued development and placement of Latino/Latina administrators committed to quality public education for all students. This year was no exception as 10 Colorado students received a total of $7,500 in college scholarship aid.
