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Capital Construction Procurement
Selecting consultants and vendors is a critical component to the success of any construction project. It is in everyone’s best interest that the most qualified professionals are procured in a transparent manner in order to give every project its highest opportunity for success and to demonstrate the appropriate stewardship of public resources.
The following process is required for the selection of various professionals/vendors for whom BEST funds will be requested. Dollar threshold guidelines adopted by the Capital Construction Assistance Board, in alignment with State of Colorado Office of the State Architect policy are below.
Please note: If grantee desires the option to carry forward an agreement beyond the scope solicited in a single category (i.e. a master planning with the option to continue to design phase work), the project team must use the appropriate solicitation process based on estimated combined dollar values. Alternatively, the grantee may advertise a separate Request for Qualifications or Bid for additional phases of work.
For Professional Services:
- Professional Services fees estimated to be less than or equal to $25,000 are considered discretionary and do not require a competitive bid or a Request for Qualification.
- For fees estimated to be between $25,000 and $100,000 grantee must contact at least three (3) firms and select the most qualified. Public notification (advertising) is not required.
- Fees estimated to be greater than $100,000 require both a public notification (advertising) and a Request for Qualification to contact at least three (3) firms. Minimum solicitation time is fifteen (15) business days and may include publication by electronic access or in a newspaper of general circulation*.
For Construction Projects:
- Construction projects less than $50,000 are considered discretionary and do not require competitive bidding.
- Projects between $50,000 and $250,000 can be procured by use of a Request for Proposals (RFP), posted publicly for at least three days*.
- All projects of $250,000 or more should be solicited through an Advertisement for Bids or RFP with adequate public notice given at least fourteen days and require publication by electronic on-line access and/or in a newspaper of general circulation*.
*BEST listserv may be used for electronic online publications.
Additional Resources:
BEST can provide additional tools, resources, and templates for all stages of procurement, including RFQ templates, scoring worksheets, sample decision memoranda, and sample interview invitations and questions. Please work with your Regional Program Manager for assistance with the preparation and distribution of procurement documents well in advance of their release. Additionally the BEST Consultant/Contractor Selection Guidelines offer a recommended procedure for procurement.
RFQ Process:
- Contact your BEST Regional Program Manager (RPM) before initiating a vendor selection.
- Applicant will issue a detailed request for qualifications (RFQ) for each aspect of the project's scope for all applicable vendors. The applicant may contact CDE to request templates.
- Applicant will send a draft RFQ to their assigned BEST RPM for review and comment prior to advertising/distributing the RFQ. Selection criteria of professional should be included in the RFQ, as well as any relevant CDE documents. CDE will provide comments to the applicant on the RFQ.
- The RFQ should be distributed to all potential bidders, posted in relevant publications and/or the Capital Construction listserve. The applicant will keep records of the RFQ distribution.
- After reviewing the RFQ responses, the School Board/Selection Committee may conduct interviews.
- The applicant will notify their BEST RPM of upcoming interviews and may request their presence at the interview.
- The School Board/Selection Committee should use a rating system, and agreed-upon criteria to select a candidate(s).
- Provide a summary of the competitive process and summary rating sheet(s) to CDE prior to the contract award to the selected professional. The selection committee should then provide feedback regarding the selection process to all applicants. This summary should include the following:
- A copy of the final RFQ.
- Where the RFQ was advertised.
- A written summary of the selection process with a description of its results (how many responses, how many interviews, what questions were asked, how was the selected vendor ultimately chosen, etc.)
- A scoring and selection process summary.
- Prior to executing a contract with the selected vendor, send a DRAFT copy of the contract to CDE for review and comment regarding conformance with grant criteria. CDE does not provide legal advice.
- When a project involves hard-bid selection of a contractor or installer, selection should be based on the lowest qualified bid. Contractors may be pre-qualified if deemed necessary for the scope of work. Discuss any pre-qualifications with your BEST RPM. Please also provide copies of bid results and analysis to your RPM.
- Where school board policy requires local preference, the degree of preference should be quantified in the bid documents or RFP in advance.
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