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Division of Capital Construction Programs

Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST)

Established in 2008 with the signing of C.R.S.22-43.7, BEST provides an annual amount of funding in the form of competitive grants to school districts, charter schools, institute charter schools, boards of cooperative educational services, and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. BEST funds can be used for the construction of new schools as well as general construction and renovation of existing school facility systems and structures.

Learn more about Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST)

Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) Emergency Grant

The Division has an established amount of funding available for public school facility emergencies. If an unanticipated event renders a significant portion or the entirety of a public school facility unusable for educational purposes, or if such poses an imminent threat to the health or safety of persons using the public school facility, that school may be eligible for a BEST Emergency Grant. Additionally, if the Governor declares a disaster emergency in any area of the state pursuant to section 24-33.5-704 (4), C.R.S., the Division will contact each affected school to assess any facility needs resulting from the declared disaster emergency as soon as possible following the Governor's declaration. The Division must report its findings to the Capital Construction Assistance Board as soon as possible following its outreach.

If your school facility is experiencing an emergency as defined in this section, you may be eligible to receive a BEST Emergency Grant. For more information, contact Andy Stine.

Charter School Capital Construction

Each year, the Legislature provides an appropriation to charter schools on a per pupil basis for capital construction needs. The funding can be used for construction, demolition, remodeling, maintaining, financing, purchasing or leasing of facilities the charter operates. A qualifying charter must complete and submit a questionnaire in order to be eligible to receive this funding.

Learn more about Charter School Capital Construction

Facility Insight

In July 2016, the Division of Capital Construction reinstated the Statewide Facility Assessment Program for Colorado public school facilities. It is now called Facility Insight. Understanding the purpose of Facility Insight and its benefits will create a strong partnership among schools, districts, and the state.

Learn more about Facility Insight

For more information or if an alternative version of a document is needed, please contact or call 303-866-2153.