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Grant Submittal Requirements Based on Project Scope
Each grant application should include backup documentation of appropriate due diligence to identify the deficiencies and arrive at the solutions identified within the application. Below is a list of typical project scopes and common associated due diligence items expected. Electronic copies are preferred (word docs or pdfs). These backup documents are to be uploaded to GAINS for staff review. A brief summary of diligence undertaken should be provided in the appropriate grant application sections. Submittal document completeness will be a component of the grant evaluation.
School Replacements, Major Renovation and/or Addition Projects
- Facilities master plan (if completed)
- Engineering reports or assessments of existing facility (as relevant)
- Drawings or diagrams of proposed project - include existing and new
- Detailed schedule
- Space requirements, program plan, and/or ed specs (with classroom utilization rate if available)
- Detailed cost estimate prepared by a general contractor familiar with identified scope
Roof Projects
- A roof audit or roof assessment
- Roof projects will be reviewed in accordance with the Division's Roof Policies
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
- Click here to ensure your proposal meets the roof requirements (PDF)
Mechanical projects (HVAC, Boiler, Indoor Air Quality, Plumbing)
- Indoor air quality reports (if applicable)
- Engineering reports or assessments
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
Security or Safety
- A completed safety / security grant questionnaire (DOC)
- Diagrams indicating modifications to floor plan (if applicable)
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
Technology Projects
- School or district technology plan
- Hardware/device list with quantities, locations, and program purpose
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
Career and Technical Education Projects
- Equipment list with quantities, locations, and program purpose; including required safety equipment
- CTE program plan, including key targeted industries and instructional space requirements
- Verification that necessary infrastructure exists to support equipment additions, or inclusion of infrastructure in scope
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
Minor renovations, remodels, and all other types of projects
- Scopes and estimates
- Minimum of 2 current quotes, 3 preferred
Supplemental Grant Requests (requests for additional funding to complete a previously awarded grant)
- Itemized list of value engineering and/or cost reduction effort made to bring project into budget prior to requesting additional funds. Identify any items to be added back into project if awarded
- Comparative budget showing original grant detailed budget relative to current proposed total detailed budget with analysis of difference
- If unprecedented escalation is claimed, escalation calculations with supporting material price comparison backup and/or third party price index data identifying the actual escalation experienced from time of original submission to supplemental grant submission. The percentage of escalation identified in the original budget must be deducted from escalation claims
- If critical scope was removed from the project to meet the original budget, itemized cost of scope to be reintroduced if supplemental grant is awarded
- Program plan submitted with original application and current proposed program plan for the project, side-by-side and including the delta between each
- Detailed project schedule showing schedule/time impact of added funds
When applicable
- Engineering reports
- Plans or specifications of proposed project if plan changes are included in scope
- Current professional cost estimates
- Facility Assessments (other than the CDE Assessment)
- Non-compliance letter(s) from authority having jurisdiction
- Letters of support addressed to the CCAB (maximus of 3 letters)
- Any other supporting documentation deemed relevant by the applicant
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