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Student EOY Coding Webinar

Event Date and Time

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm


This webinar is for program staff and data respondents for schools and districts that will have students participating in ASCENT, TREP or P-TECH in 2024-25. The topics covered will include:

  • Postsecondary Programs & program eligibility
  • Tools for data respondents & program staff to use when collaborating to support students planning to attend a postsecondary program
  • Student End of Year coding for students who will participate in ASCENT, P-TECH Years 5-6, or TREP in 2024-25
  • Student End of Year coding for students who participated in postsecondary programs in 2023-24


Microsoft Teams


Contact Information

Erica Ryan
Phone: 720-576-4288